The California College Promise Grant - CCPG- (formerly known as the Board of Governors Fee Waiver) waives your course enrollment fee ($46/unit) if you are a California resident or eligible for AB540 status, and if one of the following conditions applies to you when you enroll:
Students who qualify for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG), must meet the below academic and progress standards in order to remain eligible for CCPG.
Students who lose their CCPG eligibility due to not meeting Academic and Progress Standards may consider regaining eligibility through the appeal process with Admissions & Records.
In order to maximize the financial aid resources available, students are encouraged to apply for the CCPG each year using the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application. There are some instances that a student may not wish to or be unable to apply using the FAFSA or California Dream Act in which case a CCPG Application may be completed for consideration of the grant. English and Spanish versions of the application are below. Please be advised that you may be asked to provide additional documentation to support the information on your application.