Make a complaint

If so, you can submit your complaint and the supporting documents by filling out this complaint form. Please include a summary of your concerns, including the names of companies or individuals involved in the complaint and any documentation, as applicable.

For general compliance inquiries, please email

The complaint review process includes:
• Validation of the complaint
• Determination of jurisdictional authority
Relation to the breach of the Insurance Act and its Regulations

You will be contacted during the course of an investigation if the investigator requires more information or documentation from you. At the conclusion of the investigation, you will be advised of the outcome of our findings.

Insurance companies

Do you have a concern or complaint with an insurance company? If so, these concerns can be directed to the Superintendent of Insurance; complaints about insurance companies are not investigated by AIC and are not within AIC’s jurisdiction.

Please direct complaints about an insurer to:

Alberta Treasury Board and Finance
Superintendent of Insurance
Financial Sector Regulation and Policy (FSRP)
Room 402, Terrace Building
9515 107 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2C3
Phone: (780) 427-8322
Toll-free: (In Alberta): Dial 310-0000, then (780) 427-8322